The following original graphite pencil drawings in the series "Building America" have been purchased by collectors and are now in the secondary art market.
Anyone wishing to purchase one of these drawings should contact the artist or his agent.
Drawing #1 In Series: "Getting High" - Clive Cuthbertson, Orlando, FL
Drawing #2 In Series: "Booming Down" - CTP Imaging Solutions, Ellen Willis, President, Louisville, CO
Drawing #7 In Series: "San Diego Stretch" - Corporate Collection, Hardhat Gear, Ozark, MO
The following original graphite pencil drawings have been purchased by private collectors and are now in the secondary art market.
30,000 Words - Private Collector, Milwaukee, WI
Antonio - Private Collector, Des Moines, IA
Remember Me - Private Collector, Lee's Summit, MO
Wait For Me - Private Collector, Lee's Summit, MO
30 Good Years (Watercolor Painting) - Private Collector, Tampa, FL
One Legend - Caesar's Entertainment, Given to Private Collector, Dallas, TX
Karla With A "K" - Private Collection, Independence, MO
"Mike" - Private Collection, Independence, MO
"Grandma" - Private Collection, Mt. Pleasant, IA